Posts Tagged ‘men


Let Me Be THE One

How lucky would I be if you would let me be the one.
Let me be the one to prove that we’re not all the same.
Let me be the one to give you the “happily ever after.”
Let me be the one who helps you dream when you’re awake.
Let me be the one that makes love to you with more than just my body.
Let me be the one that isn’t perfect but will try hard to be perfect for you.
Let me be the one that doesn’t have all the answer but will make you smile when you’re sad.
Let me be the one who knows all your hopes along with your fears.
Let me be the one who’s proud to walk you into a room.
Let me be the one that’ll hold a door open when we’re 75.
Let me be the one that tells you you’re beautiful at 7:00 a.m.
Let me be the ones who loves you for your imperfections.
Let me be the one that thinks you look sexy in my sweats.
Let me be the one who listens when I know I won’t understand.
Let me be the one who’ll take you by the hand even when you’re not scared.
Let me be the one who’s been waiting for someone like you.


Moments gone

Yet another one has proven that perhaps there is no such thing as Mr. Right.
It all began as a fairy tail and somehow ended with a messy fight.
It’s 2:00 a.m. and you find yourself crying and needing a friend.
Always finding yourself in this situation time and time again.
Lust and misconceived notions of what love could be left you blind.
The truth of what he was and what he wanted twisted your mind.
The answers you always search for at times like this are closer than you know.
You just have to shut your thoughts down and let your spirit flow.
Life has a way to bring you what you need at moments like this.
It comes out of nowhere, swoops into your life, and leaves your soul with a kiss.
Just trust what you know to be true and to be real.
Trust in yourself always and trust what you want to feel.
There is never an ending to times of despair.
There’s only beginnings of memories that are meant for you to share.
Don’t waste your tears because each drop shed is a regret you had.
Don’t think twice and question decisions made whether they were good or bad.
Look forward to where you want to be and where you know you will go.
Stop looking behind you and stop moving so slow.
Life won’t wait forever for you to catch on.
Chase after the moments before its too late and they are gone.


A man of your dreams

Being the man of a woman’s dreams isn’t enough.
Someday she will awake and her dreams will have faded.
She needs a man that will be the one to help her achieve her goals after she’s woken and her dreams have faded.
That is the difference between a man that will love you through the night while you dream and the man that will be with you through life and catch you when you fall.


Why is it?

Why is it that we hurt the ones that love us the most and we protect and and fight for those who hurt us the worst?
Is it human nature to be drawn to those who will be the ones to make us suffer and cry and question ourselves?
Is it our nature to shun those who want only to love us and provide for us and to see us prosper?
I only ask because we have all done it and are guilty of it.
We have all been guilty at some point in our lives at pushing away the advances of genuine sincerity but opened our arms and welcomed lies and deceit.
There must be something in our heads that makes us believe that perhaps this time will be different or perhaps this person has changed.
But it’s our hearts that know the truth and fear the outcome and pay the price.
We cannot lay blame on those who’ve hurt us in the past or those who destroyed a dream we shared with them.
They have passed with the autumn wind and a new beginning came with spring but we let out hearts remain bitten with the winter frost.
Why is it that we hurt the ones that love us the most and we protect and and fight for those who hurt us the worst?
It’s because the ones who love us the most are never the ones we truly want to love back or that we feel we truly deserve.


Women in today’s society

The problem with women in today’s society is that they settle to be with someone who treats them the way that they believe they deserve. A woman should restrain herself from settling in order to meet the man who will treat her the way she never thought possible. He would make her dreams a reality, her hopes spring to bloom, and her passions his own. He would ignite in her a fire that he would never want to extinguish but stoke the flames even brighter. And she would be nothing less than the breathe in his lungs, the blood in his veins, and the every thought in his mind. But yet women settle. They settle because men have forgotten what it means to be cordial, to be romantic, to be inspiring, and to simply be a man.20130210-164615.jpg


How Can You Truly Love….

How can you love someone that you truly do not know?

I ask you this because the love you have for me is bewildering.

You say you love me and I first doubted the words you would speak.

I had heard those words spoken by others but with no sentiments attached.

You continued to say them to me in spite of my affliction towards them and you.

I fought so hard to not let your words penetrate my heart and my soul.

I fought so hard to not believe or feel the tenderness in your actions.

How could you love me when you didn’t know me?

You had no idea as to the child I was or the man I had become.

You were clueless as to the dire childhood I had endured.

You were blind to the callus man that I had evolved into.

I desperately tried to ward off your attempts at knowing who I was.

I did this for the sake of you and for the sake of sparrng you.

It is a fool’s errand to attempt to love one uncapable of being loved.

Uncapable of returning the love that one so pure can afford.

But you continued to tell me both night and day.

And when your words were not enough, your actions spoke louder.

You reached into my chest and held my heart in your hands.

You spoke into my ear and let your voice reverberate in my brain.

You pulled me close and let your essence soak into my skin.

You did what you could to prove your love was real.

But still I ask how can you love someone you do not truly know?

Maybe it is I who does not truly know myself.

Maybe you have seen me for the man I hoped I could be.

The man I feared I could never achieve being.

A man capable of love and of being loved.

But how can I love you if I do not know myself?

How can I love love you if I cant love who I am?

You are far more deserving than to have this weight to bare.

You are what love would be if it took form on earth.

How can I love you if I truly do not know who I am?

I can only hope to know who I am by seeing myself through your eyes.

Through your eyes I will find the man I want to be and the one you need.

The man you love will be the man I will become.

Thank you for loving the man I never knew and the one you’ve grown to know.


Say Something

I’m standing here one last time asking you if you love me.

Asking you if everything you said you felt was true.

It had to be true because you said it with such conviction and feeling.

You said it every morning when you would wake up next to me.

You would roll over and I swear you were more beautiful than you were the night before.

You would say you love me every night before we went to bed.

It’s was always the last three words I would hear at night.

No matter the day I had, hearing those words made it all better.

I still remember the first time you told me you loved me.

It was outside of the coffee shop where we went on our first date.

I held you outside in the rain and you smiled and whispered it in my ear.

But it was more than the “I love you’s.”

It was everything else you said to me.

Every single time you said you needed me.

Every single time you said you wanted me.

Why won’t you say it anymore?

Why won’t you tell me these things anymore?

And why….

Why haven’t I said them to you?

Why haven’t I told you how much you mean to me?

Why haven’t I told you that you are my everything?

Why haven’t I told you that I am the man I am today because of the woman you are everyday?

It’s true, you know.

You are what makes me exist.

Without you I couldn’t be and I couldn’t live.

Don’t say anything.

Just let me show you how you make me feel and let me say all you have said to me.

And then, and then when you feel it, you can say the words I need to hear.


And yet

I can’t exactly tell you when it happened.

I’m not even sure I know myself.

But there I was, sitting across from her like I had so many times before.

I found myself looking into her eyes and seeing more than just those emerald greens.

I found myself looking at her while she sat there looking at me.

All at once, every single one of my insecurities I had fought so hard to hide and forget about came rushing back to the surface.

And yet, every fear that had saturated by heart and soul seemed to be put to rest and were at ease.

I found myself wanting to smile a sheepish boyhood smile of giddiness and excitement.

And yet, my palms began to sweat because I was more nervous than I had ever been before in my life.

I could see every one of my successes and triumphs playing before me like a movie of my life.

And yet, each seemed insignificant because she hadn’t been by my side as I had gone through them.

I began to think back to the ones I had adored before, each one beautiful and full of grace.

And yet, each seemed to be less than ordinary and forgettable now that I was with her.

I found myself thinking of everything left in my life that I wanted to accomplish and succeed in.

And yet, all seemed meaningless if I could not achieve them or share them with her.

I can’t exactly tell you when it happened.

I’m not even sure myself.

But there I was, sitting across from her like I had many times before.

I found myself looking into her eyes and seeing more than just those emerald greens.

I found myself falling in love with her while she sat there already loving me.

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